I enjoy following Derek Wenmoth - a guru in all things related to the Virtual Environment we now all find ourselves. I listen, read and watch with interest - his blogs, musings and keynotes, as I aim to continue my own 'walk the talk' reality alongside. I had a similar day, as his - connecting with 4 different teams, each on their journey also. How timely now, to share what's needed - via his voice, articulate and well connected.

Just like that, inside less than a week in New Zealand, we went from face-to-face teaching and learning, to Remote Learning - albeit 'Online Learning' as it's still called by some lead sectors.
Transforming learning has gone viral, with next to no warning for some, but with that 'Yes! Finally!' response by another team of us. Now, the 'real' learning can begin - however abruptly!

In 1997, I teamed up with NZ, Australian and UK lead educators, leaving NZ for just on 5 years - to begin what's now become known as the Remote Learning journey, I've lived and breathed since.
Jump forward 24 years, it's like de ja vu, just as globally focused but far more experienced and conversant with how awful or how gorgeously invigorating it can be. What resonates? What's tops?

Having supported the move from face-to-face learning to remote learning across the primary sector and into tertiary and beyond, the skills needed are common to all, with just the odd exception.
I'd encourage you to consider what's addressed in this article as just 'some' of the skills - for the skills of collaboration & creativity are also key.