Leadership's about one life influencing another. It's an action, not a position. It's about training people well enough to leave; but treating them well enough, so they don't want to. Leadership is not about title, it's about trust. Good staff don't leave an organisation; good staff leave those who lead badly. A humber learner of today will be the strong leader of tomorrow...​
Leadership - The latest trends...

Hi, I'm Jo - the director of FreshAz Education Ltd and CEO (Chief Education Officer) for the internationally positioned Koru Education Hub, while just a 'regular teacher' for 9-11 year olds also. Being 'led' with one hat, while leading with another, is in the mix.
I was recently asked by a student, why I chose to be a teacher. I dared speak the harsh truth: because I had hated school growing up. I wanted to be the teacher I never had, but needed... In turn, why lead? For much the same reason - I have had to weather some of thee most difficult leaders, yet have been hugely blessed to be led by those who've simply 'got it right'. I now lead - using a wealth of tools by those who resonated well.
Within a span of 36 years in the work force, I've held leadership roles for 31 of them - the first 'deputy' (albeit 'acting') role as a mere 25 year old. Not one, did I surprisingly, ever 'apply' for - each followed a shoulder tap, or eventuated through word of mouth. Leadership done well, creates pure harmony; done poorly - creates despondency, ruin and that heavy heart. We've probably all experienced both...suffering or excelling accordingly.
The greatest leader of all, has been a certain Francois Joubert, who focused - first on the wellbeing of his team, before their role. If all was well with the individual, then all would be well with their mission / role. Another: Derek Wenmoth, a listener, an enabler and an empowerer. Despite all he juggled, he was for the people, the people, the people...
Mahatma Ghandi once said: 'At one time, leaders meant muscle, but now it means getting along with people'. It's as true then, as it is today. So, how are we doing?
It's become increasingly apparent how broad the concept of leadership is portrayed, acted upon and targeted - across industries, demographics and cultures. It's so very clear who 'gets' it and who doesn't. There is however, no such thing as a bad leader. There are just bad ways to lead.
As I partner with individuals 'literally' around the world now - come and soak up the latest in what I'm following. I'm drilling down for reassurance and setting out to sharpen my edge if need be. My motivation?
1. Being asked to 'critique' outstanding leaders - who 'get it'.
2. Mixed Messages. Sadly, there's an increasing trend where leaders have much 'going pear shape', where by contrast - there are those riding the thrill-wave of pure blissful leadership - professionally charged, 'huggable' and effective.

Previous blogs: February - Collective Leadership - the critical trend: VIEW

7 Common Mistakes Good Leaders Make That Cause Great People to Leave.
Failure to drive mission fit.
Not showing employees you care about their career as much as your own.
Focusing on process over progress.
Being consistently inconsistent.
Driving competing priorities.
Not addressing under performers.
Under appreciating.
...for the details pertaining to all: READ MORE HERE.​

Recommended Reads #1
Change via Relationships
Emotional Culture
Next: 6 Critical Practices
Sustainable Leadership
We endorse this tenfold. This is where leadership and the will to partner is 'stunning', where the key to morale and productivity begins with all that's relational. Not with rules, templates or stats...
Said my favourite leader of all times... 'Never mind the job - if all well with the individual, then all will be well with the job / mission'. Another said - go with the 'winners' - the nay-sayers are just not 'ready' to engage - yet.
Corporate culture, typically refers to cognitive culture: shared values, norms, artifacts, and assumptions that serve as a guide for the group to thrive. Cognitive culture sets the tone for how employees think and behave at work. But it's just part of the story.
The other critical part is the emotional culture shared affective values, norms, and assumptions that govern which emotions people have to express at work and which ones they are better off suppressing... Read more...