Education isn't unique to the school or higher education sector - it's in every industry, every community group and every demographic. Lifelong learning requires a paradigm shift away from the ideas of teaching and training towards those of learning, from knowledge-conveying instruction to learning for personal and professional development. We're advocates for continuous growth and training.
We specialise in the concepts of sustainability, scalability and stability. We're interested in the emergence of new skills deemed critical for individuals, workplaces and community networks, but are mindful that skills can become redundant all too quickly also. We're into taking what's driving global citizenship, entrepreneurial growth, leadership, connectivity, innovation, creativity, collaboration and contribution - to new levels. We operate with a future-focused ethos.

About Us
Advocating perspectives
Educational analysis and advocacy is our field. Designing learning opportunities and networks for kids through to adults, is our bent. In the mix, find pearls of wisdom from gurus we resonate with - right down to horticultural science, refugee support, ESOL and neurological insights!
While Wairarapa, NZ is our base, contracts have spanned the length of NZ and into S.E and Northern Asia, China, Iceland, South America, Europe, the Middle East, 'Silk Road' communities and Africa. Network support's wider; age of learners impacted is vast. The fun had - has been stunning!
Education, in schools, the tertiary sector and the workplace, needs to be a far cry now, from the industrialised model, the one-size-fits all model and directed style. At least it should be - but in reality, it's a massive work in progress, to get right, for today. We've got the scope to help take issues like these to another level where possible...
Sadly, the greatest angst we hear, about what's great or not, comes from parents of secondary school students and employees. But to be fair, there are some absolute gems in our midst. Leading models in their field, their thinking and vision. We've got the scope to connect with such folk to benefits others...
The cry 'old school' in all too many sectors is a sensitive conversation. The helplessness of folk struggling in other sectors is socially awkward. The double handling of much is deemed frustrating for many... We've got the scope to equip, enable and empower to lead, work or interact just one-step further and more...

We're not for the faint hearted, we're tough to swallow, but gentle in our approach.
We're real, celebrate what's in place and equip whatever the journey with grace and flexibility. We're not in a hurry, unless granted the scope to do be so, but advocate a crawl, walk, run approach. We're enablers, not controllers; we're patient, well researched and meticulous with detail.
We have face-to-face capacity within the Central & Lower North Island, and distance education-based capacity for any thing further afield. While we're based in the Wairarapa, we have for example, been involved in a massive project with the New Silk Road - from SE Asia, through Central Asia, the Middle East and into Europe. Currently, partnerships with Singapore, London, Bangladesh, China, the ElShaddai Refugee Centre in Indonesia and so is all go. Coupled with this - we walk the talk, to ensure we're keeping our approach real and as 'fresh as' it should be...

We're teaching in schools, are accountable to various educational sectors and bury ourselves in the latest in educational heads' up, on a weekly basis. 'Tis rather a case of living and breathing the life of education 'today', for 'tomorrow'.
​​Education Analysis & Architecture
Intervention & Innovative Design
Education Advisory & Consultancy
Extension & Enrichment Programming
Conferences, Expos, Event Management
Training Design & Leadership Development
​Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Adult Education
Learning Design / Extension & Enrichment
Global Citizenship, Youth Enterprise & Leadership Development.
Teaching of English as another language: Online, at a global scale.
Refugee & Migrant, Hospitality & Youth. geared financial literacy
Homeschool and Remote Learning with Blended eLearning Solutions.
We're a team of educators, experienced in a range of fields - from a qualified team sporting recognised qualifications from certificates to diplomas, and degrees to Ph.D's - to those whose experience qualifies them by success alone. We've got small business owners in the mix, with volunteers, event organisers, leaders and budget coaches also.
Contracts or portfolios have included child, tertiary, adult, ESOL, business, agricultural, police, social work, community, charity and education sectors. ​
We've worked with teams in the UK, Australia, South East Asia, the Pacific, South Africa, Central Asia, Europe and New Zealand. Currently (2023) FreshAz is partnering with Mexico, Iceland, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Australia and Argentina, in addition to local community and education groups in Wairarapa, New Zealand. A large contingent of our clientele are refugees and migrants, along with young students in the primary school area.