Our typical stance:
Our KidzConferences run on the LAST WEDNESDAY in MARCH: Annually.
Next one: TBC
(Although - watch this space...
We're scoping out an International Virtual KidzConference!)
The KidzConference is a Kidz4Kidz event, for students throughout the Wairarapa and beyond.
Students partnering with our FreshAz Education teachers (actively teaching in classrooms) get the opportunity to design, develop and run a conference for kids - by kids. To date, an average of 250 students have attended each year, from 25-30 schools locally - including Wellington and Kapiti.
For students attending as delegates, they enjoy a stunning day, evident of all that's actually possible, when students work collaboratively. Their focus? To lead and organise, design, engineer, negotiate and compromise, coordinate and contribute etc.
Just on 30 workshops are typically on offer, complete with keynote speakers and a youth enterprise Trades Stall. In the mix - international delegates to feature!

Workplaces, arts, and volunteer communities comprising of 60-80 adults partner with the KidzConference.
They're our Workshop Presenters, Workshop Chaperones, College-age leaders and FreshAz staff 'volunteers'
The Long Term Goals?
a) That new opportunities - in addition to the music and sports options become available. A Mechanics Club perhaps? An Agricultural Club? A Culinary Arts club etc.
b) Business growth, exposure and youth mentoring...

Early Bird: $60.00
bookings are available between April-December. (Tickets make for stunning Christmas and Birthday 'vouchers').
Future Rego: $80.00 per student, January-March or $50.00 for group bookings, for 10 or more students each.
The day's valued at $250.00, when taking into account venue, bus, equipment and tech gear hireage, workshop materials, staffing and marketing etc..
Workshop bookings typically open on March 1st. Many are free; some have an additional fee, as set by their presenters.

FreshAz Education's the hosting 'brokers' of the KidzConference between students and local businesses. We do however, need a good 6-8 strong team of dedicated adults to pull off all that's required behind the scenes, along with sponsors and 'gophers on the day'. If keen, pleeease contact Jo: 027 686 0140

$80.00 plus the cost of workshops for some, is a big ask! Thanks to donors, we also have the means to offer discretionary tickets. Our charitable service extends to families aligned to Grandparents raising grandkids, Open Home Foundation and Oranga Tamariki.
The KidzConference Day
A School Day offsite - starting at the Copthorne, in Masterton
1. 8.00am: Sign in (alongside 240+ other students) and collect your KidzConference Kit. Enjoy tuning in a good 25+ schools turn up! Be part of the decor team 'dressing' up the main conference room 'kid style' next, or if you're a student leader for the day, guide students to all that awaits, or buddy up with kids who've come on their own - without any friends from school.
2. 8.30'ish: Conference Opening! With our next one, we aim to feature a fully Student-Led edge, with music, skits, youth led keynotes to inspire and hype, and the announcement of challenges and competitions! A special welcome will be made to students beaming in from other countries - set to enjoy workshops as well.
3. From 9.30am-2.30pm: Workshop Taster time!
Time to enjoy the three workshops you've been assigned to (selected from the list of preferences you'll share prior). Finish up from 2.30pm-3.00pm with closing snapshots of the day, presentations and awards.
4. 3.00-4.00pm: Our 'Trades Stalls' KidzConference Mini Market - our Financial literacy and Enterprise slot, with stall from members of the public also.

Workshop Time
Innovating, creating, contributing, strategising...
Workshops - run by just on 30 Wairarapa Community members, are on offer at the KidzConference. The kids participate in 3 workshops, either onsite or out 'n about.
Several workshops are free; some however, come with an added cost... If pottery is one option, the potter has typically set a additional $20 fee for those workshops. Out and about workshops use buses we organise...or carpooling taxi options, thanks to our Chaperones.
The motivator for running the KidzConference is three-fold. Our coordinating team are parents, teachers and grandparents, and we recognise that on a co-curricular front, there is much in the way of traditional sports, dance and music on offer. But we have kids in our community now, who want to explore agriculture, horticulture, leadership, golf, archery, catering crafts, and service to others etc... This enables a taster, to consider the development of more scope/clubs - long term.
All in all, the KidzConference is open to all Y4-8 kids, be they from the Wairarapa, or further afield. Younger students are welcome, but must be accompanied by an adult throughout the day.
The latest conference included a team of Year 9 students - as a successful trial. We're open to piloting another conference with Year 9 again...it was that successful!

Online KidzClubz
During the KidzConference, the FreshAz Ed team will continue to scope taking what's forming as our Wairarapa KidzClubz programme to the next level. It's where both online student 'communities of learning' and face-to-face club life can become the next cool experience to engage in.
The FreshAz students will also put a 'future-focusing' hat on - and in the weeks following the KidzConference, will become actively involved in leading the way that will seriously contribute further, to what's available in the Wairarapa - and beyond.
They'll get to reconnect with some of the presenters, and take their focus 'for others' to an even more personal level... Learning gets seriously personal and their role as a global citizen, also takes a new and exciting turn...