Welcome to
Online Learning
While we much prefer the term Remote Learning, the reference to Online Learning is what it is... It's the term globally bandied about and frequently used. Like or not, we'll roll with it 'n play with it!
I've been asked on a number of occasions now, for tips, examples, advise 'n guidance for how to do this. So, if all the ducks were to line up, here's an example of what I'd set to and pull off...

Dive in

I'd tune in the caregivers first - even before the kids. They're our guides. Happy parents, for example = happy kids! What we have the kids do, must make sense to our caregivers first. For older (school aged) students - courtesy insights are just as critical.
Most of my colleagues have been dumped into this, without PD, without scaffolds. If this is you, be kind to yourself. Buddy up with someone who's done this, tune in the trends - avoid doing old school 'eLearning'! I'll be sharing experiences - in 'byte-size' forms.
Most schools already have a platform (beyond FB) where teachers can engage with students e.g SeeSaw... Consider this your 'hub'. I've recently gone down the Google site, to guide and engage within. But I'm torn - these Wix sites also enable discussion groups...
While they're accessing their work online, I use online connectively - first and foremost as the means to connect with them. What they see to do, becomes a highly blended online & offline reality showcasing & connecting - not individually, but collectively.

Hover over us - to enjoy!
I'll Create Connections
Caregivers, Individuals and the Class...

Good relationships enable great learning - with all parties.
It's perfectly fine to BCC the entire caregiver team into one 'Hi all' email to connect. To send another to the whole class is just as fine - albeit necessary.
I'll Create Collaboration
Locally, Nationally and Globally...

The world's moved into our homes: COVID-19 's uniting us.
Now, more than ever, kids are tuning in the world - discover how awesome Wuhan is! Collaborate to share what's our local, national & global reality. Engage, discover...
I'll Create Contributors

...who'll plan, design and give feedback.
It's perfectly fine to share the load - great programming is co-created.
Co-creation's a good 20 years old. Make planning real - let kids plan the programme alongside you and each other. If you don't, you'll end up just marking 'busy work'.

I'll innovative ways to sustain the progress already being made. Status quo - just delivered differently. If it's maths via an app and not on the mat with me now, so be it.

I'll gradually enhance what's been done in class - be innovative in how the kids can really now 'actually apply' what they learn - and will bring what they've learnt at home to class...

Radical innovation transforms and creates. I'll continue developing all involved as a community of learners. I'll allow students freedom to create, design, peer teach and run the fun!

For those who have internet access, digital technology is in itself here to disrupt the old 'n enable far funkier innovative learning. I'll let a kid build a website, go global in a cause and so on.

There really isn't just a single correct way to define or classify innovation, but this design aligns with innovation matrices - incremental in nature. It'll be family and student dependent as to how 'full on' innovative depth can be.
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