'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' Nelson Mandela
FreshAz Education's mission is to be 'as fresh as...' in its' approach, from the way it works as a team, to the way it interacts with those we're here for. To talk the talk, we need to walk the walk - combining and putting into practice the latest in research, thought and experience. That way, those around us can more effectively walk the talk.
We'll appreciate that that's tough though - we too work in schools and depending on what futures base spectrum the principal - and their community are, will depend on how effective we actually really can be.
We've tuned in a team of experts, researchers and practitioners with interest - some mold us, some confirm our thinking, others we hope 'catch up' in time.
So much changes so fast, that we follow only what's current now - no longer what was referenced 2-3 years or more prior - for all that's now somewhat 'old school'. While some practices don't need to change (e.g. learning A-Z), the how has for many. The how, why, what for - is all of interest to us.
Below is a snapshot of who we're either following, partnering with, studying, reading, exploring or simply 'doing business' with... Note tho' it's purely some of many.