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Solar Lamps 

One of FreshAz's Actual Reality Projects

We have staff who are now supporting the international initiative OHFI: Open Home Foundation International


OHFI is a New Zealand charity that Learn-Now schools are invited to adopt.  Global citizenship, financial literacy, future focused, leadership and KidzConference programming is integrated throughout this focus. 


There's no electricity in a sad number of homes  NZ partners with internationally. There are two types of lamps involved - a light with a lifespan of up to 8 years and one that comes with a set of cables to enable microenterprise opportunities - charging the phones of others.


Learn-Now students are on a mission. They're out to find as many compassionate, poverty-easing, globally minded people as possible to buy / sponsor any number of solar lamps - seriously researched for their quality and longevity, by, Masterton, NZ - home also to the central hub of FreshAz Education. 

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Partner with us!


Parents / Teachers:
Learn-Now students have built a range of Online KidzClubz for all kids who are, or would like to be involved in OHFI. Subscribing to this donates 50% of the fee invested to a solar lamp for a family.
Sponsors / Donors:
Economic empowerment makes for good neighbours. People liberated from poverty’s grip have greater opportunities to participate in and contribute to the political and economic life of their countries. Miraculously, it can start with a solar lamp. From here, OHFI also opens the door to further enhancing the kids now in a home, even more so...
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