Solar Lamps
One of FreshAz's Actual Reality Projects
We have staff who are now supporting the international initiative OHFI: Open Home Foundation International.
OHFI is a New Zealand charity that Learn-Now schools are invited to adopt. Global citizenship, financial literacy, future focused, leadership and KidzConference programming is integrated throughout this focus.
There's no electricity in a sad number of homes NZ partners with internationally. There are two types of lamps involved - a light with a lifespan of up to 8 years and one that comes with a set of cables to enable microenterprise opportunities - charging the phones of others.
Learn-Now students are on a mission. They're out to find as many compassionate, poverty-easing, globally minded people as possible to buy / sponsor any number of solar lamps - seriously researched for their quality and longevity, by, Masterton, NZ - home also to the central hub of FreshAz Education.